Watching the Divide by Head of Lab Shabana Sayed.

Portrait of Shabana and Dr Hausken in modern interior
Klinikk Hausken

May 21, 2015

Portrait of Shabana and Dr Hausken in modern interior

Shabana Sayed is a ESHRE certified Senior clinical Embryologist and IVF Laboratory Director at all branches of Klinikk Hausken in Norway since 2008. With academic degrees in Biotechnology from Mahatma Gandhi University, in India, and Clinical Embryology from Australia’s Monash University, her primary areas of expertise are within embryo selection and optimisation of laboratory procedures for IVF.

Shabana’s dedication to the EmbryoScope and her development of the KH timeline has substantially increased Klinikk Hausken’s success rates.

Klinikk Hausken

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